For rent

Often, the filtration process is not defined yet: choice of filter cloths, filter press capacity etc. have to be determined. We offer various filter presses for testing the suspension (e.g. small-size SIMEX SMM1-150 or larger ones like SPK 630); customers often use them for several months; in case of filter press purchase later, we discount a certain period of time on the selling price.

SPK 80 (for up to 70 plates) 

Number of plates (PPH) ​ ​ ​70 pieces (68 + 1 + 1)
Platesize ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​800 x 800 mm
Cakethickness ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​25 mm
Filtrate exit ​open
Chamber volume ​​811 l ​   (69 chambers)
Filter area ​​72 m² (69 chambers) 

SMM 1-150

Our smallest light-weight filter press (25 kg)
used for testing and lab applications